Saturday, December 8, 2012
I really miss reading for simple enjoyment. Whenever I do have time to actually read, it's almost always a college textbook. This last weekend I had a really nice conversation with an old friend about how we miss the days when we would read all the time! We reflected on how we are one of the few friends we know who have read the entire Harry Potter series. Now that is kind of sad! The amount of books I have read has steadily declined since grade school. High school was pretty bad, and now college it's almost all reading for classes. Not that I'm complaining about the reading I have to do for college, because some of it is wonderful, but I need to start reading something else too. I am going to make a goal for myself to start reading more (and blogging more...), and hopefully I can get myself back to the pace I was at when I was in 4th grade.
And for anyone planning on going to see "The Hobbit" next week, I highly recommend reading the book first if you can. One of my favorites!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Real Artists Simplify
My mind has been restless tonight making sleep almost impossible. Continuing to look over physics notes wasn't helping matters so I decided to try and just read, hoping that would help me find sleep. I pulled out my Steve Jobs Biography and reread one of my favorite chapters The Design. There are so many wonderful lines to choose from in this chapter, but tonight this one stuck out the most to me.
"God is in the details."
Goodnight.Sunday, October 28, 2012
Last night I kicked off Halloween with the film Sinister. I had high expectations for this one. Right now it is the highest rated 2012 horror movie according to rotten tomatoes (61%), and it's director has an impressive resume (Paranormal Activity, Insidious). My cousin Lizzy is my go to source when it comes to horror movies. The majority of these movies I've seen have been her. It was one of our favorite things to do as kids when she would visit. She told me that Sinister was scary, which is saying something considering she has watched almost every horror movie made. After watching it for myself last night, I can now say for myself that Sinister indeed scary. Not as much as I was expecting, but I still enjoyed the heck out of this movie.
Trying not to spoil anything, I will say some of my favorite parts. Starting with the main character, I loved Ethan Hawke's performance. What I didn't like was his character. It was hard to feel bad for someone who was as selfish as he was, and showed such little logic. I guess that's pretty much how a lot horror films are. I still thought Hawke did a great job. I think one of the most well done parts of the movie was it's music and sound. It was never overbearing or repetitive, and just freaky awesome! I would give the sound a 10/10. A big chunk of this film is spent with the main character Ellison watching these creepy super 8 films. You may have seen some of them in the trailers for this movie. All I want to say about them is that they are gloriously disturbing. That's just my opinion, I'm kind of weird. Finally, this movie has creepy little girls. If I had to pick one thing that scares me the most, little murdering demon girls would definitely be towards the top.
Sinister is by no means a perfect horror film. It isn't the one scariest, it isn't breaking any new ground, but it was extremely enjoyable nonetheless. I can confidently recommend it to any horror movie fan looking for a scare this Halloween.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
PC vs. Mac
The last few weeks I have been looking to buy a new laptop for college. I came very close to purchasing a new HP Envy Ultrabook when I realized that for a little more money I could go with a Mac. I have always been jealous of Macbook owners, but never really considered buying one because of the expensive price tag. The PC I was looking at had almost just as impressive specs as the comparable Macbook Air, but at a cheaper cost. Money is not something I have in excess, so why should I go with Apple's laptop? The answer is below you.
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I received this from my friend, Mr. Reynolds, who wouldn't go with anything but a Mac. |
I Will Wait
The wait is almost over. In exactly two more weeks Mumford and Sons will be debuting their new album "Babel" and my anticipation couldn't be any greater. Not even the hype that surrounded the recent film The Dark Knight Rises rivals what I am feeling now. In the meantime I get to enjoy and share with you their newly released video. Mumford and Sons performing "I Will Wait" at the Red Rocks illustrates exactly why I will see them live before the day I die.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Breaking Bad
Last week I finally made time to sit down and start watching the show Breaking Bad. I'm pretty late to the party considering last night was the season premiere of the final season. Breaking Bad is a series about a chemistry teacher who has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and doesn't have a good outlook of surviving very much longer. With the time he has left he tries to make money to leave for his family by making meth. When I first heard this plot I thought it sounded very intriguing and wanted to give it a shot. I really wish it hadn't taken me so long to start watching it now. I've only finished season one and I absolutely love it! The characters are interesting, well acted, and very easy to like. The story is intense, emotional, and actually really funny (dry humor). It's one of the first things I do now when I come home from work; sit down on the couch, pull up netflix on my laptop, and absorb myself in this highly entertaining story .I think it's safe to say that Breaking Bad is going to be one of my new favorite TV shows, ever.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Everything is okay
A little over a week ago our dog Copper went missing. For every one of those days I dreaded coming home from work because I knew he wasn't going to be there to greet me. Needless to say it was a tough week for the Olson's... Yesterday our missing family member came home. My mom found Copper sleeping under a bush in our yard like he had never left. God must have heard our prayers and lead him back home to us. Our house can now sleep peacefully knowing the whole family is home again.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
"The Grey"
Live and die on this day....
Tonight my family and I watched the film "The Grey". It was one that I had been highly anticipating ever since seeing the first trailer, and boy did it not disappoint. It wasn't your typical survival/action/drama kind of movie but a gritty and realistic look at man's existence, faith, and will to live. There are a lot of profound themes to be found in this movie, which is part of what makes it so great. Combine that with some extremely intense and horrific scenes that will put you on edge and you have one heck of a movie. Some will not like it, as it's not really for the faint of heart, but that doesn't justify them saying it's a bad film. There are no mistakes made by director Joe Carnahan. Every decision made on what was shot is chosen carefully and will have you talking for days. At least it will for me...
One of my favorite parts of the film had to do with the main character's poem. It was written by his dad and is recited multiple times throughout the movie. Each time it was read I interpreted it a different way.

If you are looking for a movie one night to watch, and this sounds like something you would like (and could handle), I highly recommend you see it. For me, I know it will be at least once more I head into this fray.

Sam's Confirmation
This past May, my brother Sam was confirmed into the church and I had the honor of being his confirmation sponsor. It was a very special day for not only him, but for me too. Not only did Sam take a big step in his faith, he also chose me to be a part of it. Two years ago my Grandpa Marv was my sponsor, and he helped make it a day I'll never forget. Now I have a new memory with my brother to cherish. There is so much that I am blessed with. Sam is one of those blessings.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
It's really sad how long it has been since my last blog post. I have had so many things to share these past couple of months but haven't made time to sit down and blog. I think it's about time I get going on them. My summer is finally starting to get into a little routine (just a little bit), and I'm going to start getting posts done. Sorry it has taken so long.
This is what I am doing right now. I'm sitting by my mom with our laptops, eating a wonderful sandwich, making my first post of the summer before work. I'm really thankful for these days that I get to just relax for awhile with nothing to worry about.
This is what I am doing right now. I'm sitting by my mom with our laptops, eating a wonderful sandwich, making my first post of the summer before work. I'm really thankful for these days that I get to just relax for awhile with nothing to worry about.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
One more week
Next week is finals for me at NDSU. With it comes the end of my freshman year of college. I don't know if I have ever felt so many emotions than I have these last few weeks. Not even factoring in the whole school year, these last weeks have been life changing for me. I've been working harder on school work than I ever have before to finish my classes strong while trying to figure out if I am doing the right thing. I don't think I really know what I want to do with my life yet. I might be on the right track, but I'm not I'm going to keep trying to figure it out. It is kind of sad that I have been so busy lately. I haven't had very much time to enjoy these last days with my friends. Some of them I probably won't see very much of anymore. That is going to be the saddest part when I leave next Friday I think.
I am very thankful for all the experiences I have had this year, and am already excited for next year. It is going to be so nice however being home for the summer. I am ready for a recharge and to see my family.
I am very thankful for all the experiences I have had this year, and am already excited for next year. It is going to be so nice however being home for the summer. I am ready for a recharge and to see my family.
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I turned in my loft today. My room feels so different now. |
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I'm going to miss my view of the baseball field. |
Sunday, April 22, 2012
This weekend I got the opportunity to go see the Minneapolis group called Atmosphere. It was a concert at Concordia college where my girlfriend Emily goes. She got us the tickets. I didn't know what to think right away because I'd only ever really listened to one of their songs, and I do not listen to rap as often as I used. I went in with mixed expectations, and left blown away. They were awesome! What made it even cooler was the fact that they are from Minnesota and proud of it. It was definitely the best part of the weekend.
We were almost in the front row!
This was one of my favorites that they did live, even though I have no idea what the message of it is yet.
This song is probably their most popular and was the one I had heard before going into the concert. Everyone went crazy when they started it. I didn't think it was possible for rap to be better live but these guys proved me wrong. Now I can't wait to go see The Black Keys this May!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
April 15, 2012
Some new things in my life: apartment, couch, pinterest, instagram, google chrome, friends, music, books, and movies.
I'm moving into an apartment next year with two of my friends from the dorm. It's pretty exciting. Expanding on that, today we went and bought a couch for the living room. Very nice, very expensive. Probably wasn't the best financial decision... It will be nice to get out of the dorms next year (huge understatement) and have a place to ourselves. Everyone needs to have the experience of living in a college dorm. I had that experience and am ready for a new one now.
Some new things I am trying in terms of technology. I'm using the web browser "google chrome" now because, well, I don't why. I was having trouble with firefox and was sick of the boring themes of explorer. Most of my friends use chrome so I thought I would just join the party. I like it so far. I also now have instagram and pinterest. I got instagram because my mom was talking about how much she loves it and because it just came out for android. I think it has potential to be really cool! I'm also now on pinterest. One of my roommates, Mitch, is addicted, and he basically made me get it. I'm looking forward to using it as a way to get cool apartment ideas.
I got the Steve Jobs biography for my birthday and I just recently started reading it. I love it! It always leaves me feeling inspired after reading. One of my favorite lines is when he is talking about how he,"started to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis".
I also got the movie "Moneyball". One of my new favorites! It is an awesome movie that isn't just for baseball fans. I've also been hooked on the band "Two Door Cinema Club" thanks to my mom again. I had to buy their whole CD.
....It's hard to believe almost one whole year of college has gone by. Time to buckle down and get through this last month of school work while still enjoying these last days of freshman year.
I'm moving into an apartment next year with two of my friends from the dorm. It's pretty exciting. Expanding on that, today we went and bought a couch for the living room. Very nice, very expensive. Probably wasn't the best financial decision... It will be nice to get out of the dorms next year (huge understatement) and have a place to ourselves. Everyone needs to have the experience of living in a college dorm. I had that experience and am ready for a new one now.
Some new things I am trying in terms of technology. I'm using the web browser "google chrome" now because, well, I don't why. I was having trouble with firefox and was sick of the boring themes of explorer. Most of my friends use chrome so I thought I would just join the party. I like it so far. I also now have instagram and pinterest. I got instagram because my mom was talking about how much she loves it and because it just came out for android. I think it has potential to be really cool! I'm also now on pinterest. One of my roommates, Mitch, is addicted, and he basically made me get it. I'm looking forward to using it as a way to get cool apartment ideas.
I got the Steve Jobs biography for my birthday and I just recently started reading it. I love it! It always leaves me feeling inspired after reading. One of my favorite lines is when he is talking about how he,"started to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis".
I also got the movie "Moneyball". One of my new favorites! It is an awesome movie that isn't just for baseball fans. I've also been hooked on the band "Two Door Cinema Club" thanks to my mom again. I had to buy their whole CD.
....It's hard to believe almost one whole year of college has gone by. Time to buckle down and get through this last month of school work while still enjoying these last days of freshman year.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
After the Storm
Click to see where I got it from. Quote from the song After the Storm, by Mumford and Sons. Reminded me of my Mom because she loves stuff like this and blogging.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
It's official...
I'M GOING TO SEE THE BLACK KEYS IN CONCERT!!!!!!!!! I am so so excited. May 15 is the date. It's the week after I am done with finals. This is my first ever concert so it should be a good experience, plus this is one of my favorite bands. We have general admission tickets which I think will make it even more awesome because I guarantee you I will be getting to the front. Spring can't come soon enough!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
New Study Spot
Sometimes I have a hard time studying. There is always a million things going through my mind so it can be a challenge keeping it from wandering. I also always get interrupted by people when in my dorm room. I need to go to certain spots to study. If I stay in my room I get nothing done. So normally I either go to the library or the Union lounge. Today I found a new spot. It's just a little bench outside the band room. I love it. It's amazing what that music playing in the background does for me. It helps keep my mind from wandering. They are very good too. I used to be in band so that helps me appreciate their performance even more. College and life in general would be so much more difficult without music.
And on that note (no pun intended), here is a video of a song by Foster the People. This is a band I recently can't stop listening to.
And on that note (no pun intended), here is a video of a song by Foster the People. This is a band I recently can't stop listening to.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
Last post for the day! Had one more thing I wanted to share (since it's Valentine's Day). It's a clip from one of my favorite movies 500 Days of Summer. Tom has recently had his heart broken which has lead to him making cards like these. Happy Valentine's Day!
videos I've been watching/music I've been listening to
I've recently been watching these videos called "A Take Away Show". I absolutly love them! I've been trying to find out more about them but all I have found out is from this website, and a lot of the videos are made by Vincent Moon. Not all of them though. See I don't know much, just that they are awesome. I'm going to keep looking into it but here are two of my favorites so far. They are also two of the bands I've been listening to recently.
My friend Johnathan introduced me to this guy.
The greatest band ever.
My friend Johnathan introduced me to this guy.
The greatest band ever.
I was having kind of a bad day so far. I couldn't sleep that night and had to get up at 6 to work. I worked til 11 at the Union coffee shop like I normally do, but then instead of continuing to work there until 1:30 I was suppose to head over to Barry hall at 11:30 and work at the coffee shop there. Barry hall is in the downtown part of ndsu which meant I had to get in my car and drive there. This made me crabby. It would have been much more convenient to just continue to work where I was, but they needed someone to fill the spot. I had never been there and had no idea where to park. So it was hectic getting there to say the least. By the time I finally made it, it was exactly 11:30 and I wasn't in the best of moods. That quickly changed though as soon as I met Lavonne. Lavonne is the head employee at Barry Hall's coffee shop, and easily one of the happiest people I've met. She is an older lady, but had the energy of a little kid. She greeted me with so much joy and was very grateful to have me, as she needed someone who could run the cash register and make the coffee drinks while she made the sandwiches. I felt really appreciated. Throughout the shift, I couldn't believe how many people came and gave her hugs. It seemed as if she personally knew every single customer. When there was no customers to be served talked non-stop to me. She asked me about my life and told me about hers. She talked about all the places she lived, her two sons, and her husband. Lavonne called herself a jack of all trades. She was once a head cook at a high school, where it sounds like she was like a grandma to all the students. Lavonne also was an EMT for 10 years, and worked in banking. She said she had to get out of banking though because nobody liked her there. She said that she absolutely loves people, so working at a coffee shop would be perfect for her. Better than calling someone with bad news about their account which results in them yelling at her. She just wants to make people happy, so she thought why not give them coffee?! I can from experience say she is very good at her job. Some of the student employees have been with her for seven years! They just don't wanna leave her. When ndsu moves Lavonne to another spot, they all move with her. Throughout my shift I started to realize how special this lady was. She made everyone smile. Maybe that's part of the reason why I loved her so much, because that's exactly how my Grandpa was. They really are a lot alike.
During a slow part of the shift, Lavonne was telling me how her husband gets to retire soon and how nice that will be. He is a custodian at ndsu, and has also lived an eventful life. I responded to her saying how I think he will really enjoy it, especially since they have another grandkid on the way. After saying that she paused for a brief second, and went on to tell me how he has been diagnosed with leukemia and the doctors have given him a year to live. She said it's okay though, and that she tells all of her students. I didn't know what to say. She was so positive still, and it sounded like her husband is too. Even with the chemo treatments, he never misses a day of work. I have heard people talking about him, but I didn't realize it was her husband. This moment has really been sticking with me. Here I was having a poor attitude because of a small inconvenience, and this lady comes to work everyday with so much enthusiasm and happiness when she has much greater problems than me. I have seen how much she impacts some of these peoples lives first hand, and now she has impacted mine. I am so thankful that I got sent over to Barry hall yesterday morning, and I am so thankful I got to meet Lavonne. I'm going to try and be more like her now. I'm going to make the best of unfortunate situations, and see the beauty in small, simple things. Yesterday was a gorgeous day, and I should have just been happy that I had the opportunity to work and make a little money. Sometimes I let little things get the best of my emotions. Hopefully I will get better at that now.
So to put my new inspired self to the test, God gave me a parking ticket...two minutes before I got back to my car... That guy sure has a sense of humor.
During a slow part of the shift, Lavonne was telling me how her husband gets to retire soon and how nice that will be. He is a custodian at ndsu, and has also lived an eventful life. I responded to her saying how I think he will really enjoy it, especially since they have another grandkid on the way. After saying that she paused for a brief second, and went on to tell me how he has been diagnosed with leukemia and the doctors have given him a year to live. She said it's okay though, and that she tells all of her students. I didn't know what to say. She was so positive still, and it sounded like her husband is too. Even with the chemo treatments, he never misses a day of work. I have heard people talking about him, but I didn't realize it was her husband. This moment has really been sticking with me. Here I was having a poor attitude because of a small inconvenience, and this lady comes to work everyday with so much enthusiasm and happiness when she has much greater problems than me. I have seen how much she impacts some of these peoples lives first hand, and now she has impacted mine. I am so thankful that I got sent over to Barry hall yesterday morning, and I am so thankful I got to meet Lavonne. I'm going to try and be more like her now. I'm going to make the best of unfortunate situations, and see the beauty in small, simple things. Yesterday was a gorgeous day, and I should have just been happy that I had the opportunity to work and make a little money. Sometimes I let little things get the best of my emotions. Hopefully I will get better at that now.
So to put my new inspired self to the test, God gave me a parking ticket...two minutes before I got back to my car... That guy sure has a sense of humor.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Say Goodbye to Your Beloved Benjamins
Say goodbye to your beloved Benjamins...I love that line. I was looking at books today on and this one caught my attention. The author of The End of Money, David Wolman, sets out to investigate the future of money and how it will affect us. Because he was intrigued by the idea that "cash" may soon disappear, he does away with it for a whole year. I think it looks really good because I too am interested by this idea. Everybody these days seems to just be using credit cards. I work at a coffee shop, and I can say with confidence that over half the customers pay their purchases with credit cards. Where I work, a small coffee costs $1.61, so you would think that the majority would at least have a couple bucks in their wallets to pay that. However, they choose to use their credit cards. It's just more convenient that way, which is something our busy society seems to be all about now. So is that the reason for this change? Is it just more convenient? Maybe the world really is going cashless.
Check out a link to the author's blog, and a review of the book!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Black Keys
If I had to describe The Black Keys in one word, it would definitely be "badass". I am in love with this band, and am currently looking into getting tickets to see them live in concert this May. I posted below a link to a video of one of their live performances, and also I posted a music video of their hit song Lonely Boy from the new album El Camino.
The video is very simple...and genius! Love it.
The video is very simple...and genius! Love it.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The movie 50/50 came out on Tuesday and I cannot wait to watch it again! It's something I would highly recommend seeing. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen's performances alone make it worth while. The movie handles the very serious issue of cancer, and still manages to make a very touching and funny film... Here is a very short trailer.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
National Champions
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Thomas Jefferson
Awhile back I recieved an email from my Dad about this man, Thomas Jefferson. Ever since I read it I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Please take the time to read what this incredible man had to say by clicking on the link below.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sweet Disposition
I remember very distinctly the first time I saw this music video. My friend Beruk and I were lifting weights early in the morning before school and we had the VH1 channel playing through the speakers. When this song started playing, we both stopped what we were doing and turned to watch the television. We didn't move until the song was over. We then looked at each other and talked about how weird it was. This happened every time this song came on believe it or not! It was like we were hypnotized. Eventually VH1 stopped playing it, and I think that's when I realized how much I loved the song. I forgot what it was called so I couldn't go look it up on my own. Thankfully, Emily made me watch the movie 500 Days of Summer with her one night (which is a phenomenal movie) and I heard it again. It has become one of my favorites ever since, and I wanted to post it on my blog. Part of the reason I maybe like it so much is because I associate it with happy memories, which is something I tend to do with a lot of songs. There is something about it that is just calming and relaxing, but also makes me want to get up and do something at the same time. For me, it's music for the soul.
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