M. Gustave H. : "Why do you want to be a lobby boy?"
Zero: "Well who wouldn't... at the Grand Budapest, sir? It's an institution."
And so begins the friendship of concierge M. Gustave H. and his loyal lobby boy Zero. Their adventures to follow are a joy to watch; filled with comedy, violence, and a beautiful European backdrop that often resembles a painting. Watching The Grand Budapest Hotel is movie bliss. Of the Wes Anderson films I have seen this is easily my favorite. The fictional worlds he creates are easy to get lost in and are well known for their unique visual quality. From the opening scenes his movies are instantly recognizable. This holds true here as well. What seems to be different with The Grand Budapest Hotel from other Anderson films is that this fictional world feels very close at times to our own reality, especially with the themes of war, rather than it's own fairy tale. This combined with the writing, and Ralph Fiennes' wonderful performance as M. Gustave H., make The Grand Budapest Hotel not only my favorite Wes Anderson film but the best film I have seen so far this year.
I can't overstate how much I love this movie. The writing is superb, the cast is top notch, it's humor silly but smart, and world so beautiful that I would still enjoy myself if it were a silent film. The script moves at such a ferocious pace that I didn't dare blink the first time I watched it alone at the Fargo Theater. The second viewing at home was even better, and just as good the subsequent night as I finished writing my thoughts.
As I already said, Ralph Fiennes outdoes himself in this role. His character M. Gustave H. is easily the most likable character I have seen Fiennes play. Monsieur Gustave is an eccentric man that is both honest and sensitive. He genuinely loves his friends, perfume, poems, and of course the Grand Budapest. His bond with Zero becomes unbreakable and will make you care about these characters even more. Even though it's early I still predict Ralph Fiennes to get an Oscar nod for this performance.
If you don't like Wes Anderson films, watching this movie probably won't change your mind. For everyone else, I highly recommend checking out this impeccably well done film.
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"To be frank, I think his world had vanished long before he ever entered it; but I will say he certainly sustained the illusion with a marvelous grace." Official Trailer |