Saturday, August 31, 2013

What Memorable People do Differently

1. They don’t just talk – they act.

2. They force themselves to experiment with lots of different experiences.

3. They do spontaneous, crazy, fun things.

4. They care about others – and act to make a difference in their lives.

5. They’re a person, not a resume.

6. They try, make mistakes, then get up and try again.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And don't forget about #7 - they update their blog at least once a week! Ha ha. I've been waiting all summer for a new post! (I deleted my previous comment because there was a typo!!)

  3. I know sorry about that... Believe it or not I was hardly on my laptop at all this summer. I blame that on good books and getting an iphone.

  4. Well that's some consolation! What'd you read? Mark Bauerlein would be proud!

  5. The Millennium Trilogy (the girl with the dragon tattoo,..), Quiet, and Life of Pi. Next I'm going to have to read that Dracula book you loaned us. I've heard great things!

  6. I don't know how that Dracula book found it's way into Sam's possession! Ha ha
