Sunday, December 25, 2011


I had a wonderful Christmas today with my family. It is no surprise why this is my favorite holiday. There are just so many little things about it that make it so special. Our Christmas this year was a little different, however, as it was the first one without my Grandpa. I was fighting off tears many times today, as I am sure most everyone in the room was at one point or another. I have a very close and loving family, and I am so thankful for that. We all miss my Grandpa terribly, and that will probably never change.I do not take the time I get to spend with them for granted anymore. I enjoy every moment, and appreciate things much more than I used to. Part of this is also due to me being in college now. Things are just different than before and I know it is going to continue to change. This is one of the reasons why I am going to blog. Time just seems to be flying by so fast, and I want to be able to look back and see what wonderful things I have to be thankful for. My time with family is the biggest. Today, I was thinking about my Grandpa and how much he is missed. My Dad just gave me this picture of him from an old paper. It is a perfect image of my Grandpa, and is very happy... Merry Christmas!

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