Sunday, December 25, 2011
I had a wonderful Christmas today with my family. It is no surprise why this is my favorite holiday. There are just so many little things about it that make it so special. Our Christmas this year was a little different, however, as it was the first one without my Grandpa. I was fighting off tears many times today, as I am sure most everyone in the room was at one point or another. I have a very close and loving family, and I am so thankful for that. We all miss my Grandpa terribly, and that will probably never change.I do not take the time I get to spend with them for granted anymore. I enjoy every moment, and appreciate things much more than I used to. Part of this is also due to me being in college now. Things are just different than before and I know it is going to continue to change. This is one of the reasons why I am going to blog. Time just seems to be flying by so fast, and I want to be able to look back and see what wonderful things I have to be thankful for. My time with family is the biggest. Today, I was thinking about my Grandpa and how much he is missed. My Dad just gave me this picture of him from an old paper. It is a perfect image of my Grandpa, and is very happy... Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Social Media

Infographic by Assisted Living Today
Had to share this. Got it from one of my favorite teachers blog.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
College finals sucks. Finals also mean not posting on my blog for a very long time...Thank goodness for my Mumford and Sons Pandora radio station.
Monday, November 28, 2011
My Monday Song
I've been listening to a lot of death cab for cutie lately. I really like this one. It's unique. It's now my Monday song.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I have Facebook. I use to be one of the few people on this earth it seems that didn't until about a year ago when my girlfriend made me an account. It seems like one of those things I have to have even though I do not particularly like it, or go on it very much. I personally prefer Twitter. I'm doing a speech on Monday for my COMM110 class on why Twitter is superior to Facebook, and when doing research I came across this video with some pretty insane statistics. So I had to post it.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I am a huge Batman fan. I loved watching the cartoons when I was little, the Batman movies by Christopher Nolan are two of my favorites, and I'm also in love with the videogames. I even want to start reading the comics. I'm kind of a nerd, but I don't care. I spent a lot of my day today playing the new Batman game Arkham City. Here is a trailer for the game.
I love it because it really makes me feel like Batman. It's more engaging than a movie....Speaking of movies, anyone excited for the new dark knight movie? I AM!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thank Goodness it's Friday
I'm SO HAPPY it's Friday. Today was a busy day to top off a very busy week. Here is a chronicle of it...
7:30-9:00 a.m. -finished typing ethics paper
9:15 a.m. -Breakfast
9:30 a.m. -turned in paper to professor's office.
10:00-12:30 -worked
12:45-1:00 -Talked to scheduler about not closing on Fridays
1:00-2:00 -debated with speech teacher on a grade
2:00-300 -Had speech class with the teacher I just argued with...
3:00-4:00 -Math Lecture
4:00-4:07 -Computer Science Quiz (they are really easy)
Such a good feeling to have that week behind me. I now have my classes all scheduled for next semester, bills paid from this semester, scheduled for work, and talked with my speech instructor. My talk with my instructor did not go as successful as it should have. He did not give me any points back on my essay because he doesn't have the guts to say that I am right. At least I have the peace of mind that I tried. And hopefully he will grade our next speech more fair now that he knows that I will be coming for him if he doesn't....
7:30-9:00 a.m. -finished typing ethics paper
9:15 a.m. -Breakfast
9:30 a.m. -turned in paper to professor's office.
10:00-12:30 -worked
12:45-1:00 -Talked to scheduler about not closing on Fridays
1:00-2:00 -debated with speech teacher on a grade
2:00-300 -Had speech class with the teacher I just argued with...
3:00-4:00 -Math Lecture
4:00-4:07 -Computer Science Quiz (they are really easy)
Such a good feeling to have that week behind me. I now have my classes all scheduled for next semester, bills paid from this semester, scheduled for work, and talked with my speech instructor. My talk with my instructor did not go as successful as it should have. He did not give me any points back on my essay because he doesn't have the guts to say that I am right. At least I have the peace of mind that I tried. And hopefully he will grade our next speech more fair now that he knows that I will be coming for him if he doesn't....
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Winter Winds
This is the video I watched today to make me feel has never failed at that. This is going to be the first of many posts of this band, Mumford and Sons. I don't think another group will ever mean more to me than these guys already do.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Rate My Professor
This site is awesome! Highly recommend any college student to check this out before registering for classes. Wish there was something like this for when I was in high school. I would have loved to given some of my former teachers "glowing" reviews (sarcasm), just like I'm gonna love giving one of my professors from this semester a much deserved rating. It also would have been nice to let students know which classes they should take. For example, how every single student should be in the college comp classes offered at Lincoln High School. More important than letting students know the bad things about a professor/teacher, I think sharing the positives of the class is the best part. It's nice to know that students before you liked their experience and actually learned something. It's just a simple, great idea.
This site is awesome! Highly recommend any college student to check this out before registering for classes. Wish there was something like this for when I was in high school. I would have loved to given some of my former teachers "glowing" reviews (sarcasm), just like I'm gonna love giving one of my professors from this semester a much deserved rating. It also would have been nice to let students know which classes they should take. For example, how every single student should be in the college comp classes offered at Lincoln High School. More important than letting students know the bad things about a professor/teacher, I think sharing the positives of the class is the best part. It's nice to know that students before you liked their experience and actually learned something. It's just a simple, great idea.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
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